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no system (computer of otherwise) is impregnable...

updated wed 18 jul 01


Richard Jeffery on tue 17 jul 01

I expect by now most of us will have received the annoying piece of spam
from "ronguang@ZZFTEC.COM.CN" - doubly annoying because of the embedded html
which makes Outlook, like the compliant wee beast that it is, leap for the
internet. And if you have a dial up modem connections, that is soooooooo

Already this week I've been getting some Brazilian email whenever I submit
to Clayart - it pretends to be helping me with an "undeliverable" message,
but is really trying to get me to visit an on-line chat show - which my
Portuguese isn't quite up to.... But it means somehow it is intercepting
email sent to Clayart. It will be interesting to see if it happens now.

I'm writing this before we all start giving the folk who keep this list and
its associated hardware a bad time. This could have been a virus - but it
wasn't, this could have been much more insidious, but it wasn't - hell, it
could even have been rude. Whatever system you set up is not, and can never
be foolproof - this isn't static, but an evolving conflict between our wills
and those of the folk who would sell us things.

I'm rambling... What am I trying to say? Well, it's bloody hard to keep a
list safe from interlopers, we've been served very well so far so let's not
start sniping, and I guess what we're enjoying is the fruit of others'

Bournemouth UK