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sv: re: where is byron temple?

updated sat 19 may 01


Alisa og Claus Clausen on fri 18 may 01

Dear Sandy,
He is going to be in Denmark this June and I am very excited to attend =
his workshop at Sk=E6lsk=F8r- all throwing. June 16th. If you sign up =
it is only one day, but you can spend some time in South Jutland with =
us. Nan Kitchens was just here, and so far, I have had the best time =
meeting Clayarters here!

Alisa in Denmark

I have a lot of glazes and tests to post. Been otherwise occupied today =
by innocently setting out to vacuum the kitchen, when..
I knocked over a terracotta bottle of some kind of thick vinegrette. It
hit the floor and exploded in every direction. It took me an hour and =
half to clean it up. It was everywhere, on every wall, under every door, =
huge puddle on the floor, under my shoes, under the furniture that I had =
to budge around and on every molding and probably 100 places I have not =
noticed yet. Misery continues when I see I dumped it as well into the =
vacuum cleaner. When I flung the bottom part of the bottle on to my =
shard heap, the remaining contents splashed out and up onto my face. =
Last insult to injury was when I changed tonight, it was under my =
wristwatch band. The floor is cork, what if it had been a stone floor? =
I would have holes in the walls. If that bottle was stoneware, I bet =
it would have bounced.

Fall is already back today.