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recycle procedures

updated tue 3 apr 01


Joseph Herbert on mon 2 apr 01

It seems to me the simplest, least capitol/labor intensive recycling method
is dry, slake, decant, and filter.

For slip and throwing slop, you can go to decant/ filter immediately.

Dry - dry out the plastic clay thoroughly to bone dry. Really dry!! Break
into small (1/2 inch or smaller) pieces.

Slake - Into a large volume of clear water, slowly add the broken pieces.
Let sit for hours or days. (Being a slaker or a slacker takes about the
same level of commitment)

Decant - Remove the clear water from the container by dipping or siphon.

Filter - Stir the remaining slurry up well and pour into pillow cases or
purpose-made muslin bags. Tie the bag shut and hang where the water
dripping from the bag won't damage anything. Massage each bag each day.

When the clay in the bags is acceptably firm, wedge and put into plastic

You could modify this program on the basis of experience. A stirring step
(a round of cheers, perhaps) could follow the slaking. A screening step
could go between the decanting and filtering to get any chinks out of the

The cloth you use for the bags doesn't matter to the filtering process.
Some bags will last longer than others so canvas might be better than
muslin. Make the bags small enough that you can lift them when half filled
with slurry. Make sure your hanging area can take the weight of the
suspended bags, their weight can add up quickly.

Joseph Herbert