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what is nc-4 feldspar - satin clear

updated thu 7 dec 00


Khaimraj Seepersad on wed 6 dec 00

Hope this helps -

>From the Feldspar Corporation -
[ 770 } 392 - 8660 ] Atlanta , GA .

NC - 4

170 to 250 mesh

68.37 to 68.25 Si02

18.74 to 18.80 Al203

4.02 to 4.01 K20

6.99 to 6.98 Na20

1.45 Ca0

0.072 to 0.045 Fe203

Trace Mg0

From: Charles Moore
Subject: Re: satin clear

>What does "NC-4" stand for in your waxy white recipe?
>Charles Moore
>> Waxy White c6
>> NC- 4 43
>> Gerstley Borate 15.7
>> Flint 12.7
>> Whiting 12
>> Talc 8.6
>> EPK 8.6
>> Good luck
>> Hanna Lewandowski
>> Southern Ontario