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bamboo source

updated sat 17 jul 04


Karen Sullivan on mon 13 nov 00

Found an amazing source for bamboo that is in San Francisco,

also The American Bamboo Society and guess what,
they have a discussion group just like ours...

bamboo karen

I want some square bamboo,
or Chimonobambusa Quadrangularis "square"

Connie Christensen on wed 14 jul 04

This is a little late, the bamboo discussion is probably over, but here is
another source. Birdsall & Co., 1540 S Broadway, Denver, CO, 303-722-2535
has lots of bamboo in a wide range of sizes - a room full. I've seen dark, a
reddish color and the normal bamboo color there. I don't think they have a
website, I've searched for one. It's also an awsome place to just go look
for stuff - lots of unusual stuff.

Connie Christensen
Arvada, CO

Fredrick Paget on thu 15 jul 04

I dropped in at that Bamboo flooring store a few days ago to see what
it was. There are several types. all made up in about 5/8 x 4 inch
tongue and groove. It is made in China out of strips cut from 6 inch
diameter bamboo glued together. He gave me a 5 inch sample piece and
I made a rib out of it which is now floating in my water bucket
getting a water test.
While there I spotted a pallet that was made out of the same stuff
before it was milled through a planer. Sort of rough sawn planks of
glued up stock. I asked him about it and he gave it to me.
A lifetime supply.
Fred Paget
From Fred Paget, Marin County, California, USA

Milla Miller on thu 15 jul 04

Sheesh, if any clayarters are in the central midlands of S.Carolina area ,I
have plenty of free bamboo of many sizes but you must harvest it,which will
take a brush cutter.
Margaret in SC