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correction to my correction: ceramics exhibitions/workshops in il

updated fri 6 oct 00


Nina Jones on thu 5 oct 00

OOPS!!! Faye, I am very sorry. You're right. I read my brochure card =
wrong!! It is 2 sessions, one in the morning, one in the afternoon, each =
session featuring 3 artists! And yes, the entire day of workshops is $60.

Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry . . .=20


P.S. Though I've never been so happy to be so wrong! (:->)

Hi, Faye. Aren't you wonderful! But regarding the workshops at Lill =
Street, the fee is actually $30 per session, each artist giving one =
session a-piece/6 sessions altogether. The $60 fee is for the Linda =
Christianson workshop, which is Sunday, November 5 from 10a.m. - 4p.m.

Thank you so much for posting all this great info!

Nina D. Jones
Southside Chicago


-Chicago November 4 Teapots Transformed Points of View, slide
presentations and demonstrations by Mark Burns, Sergei Isupov, Joan
Takayama Ogawa, Red Weldon Sandlin, Mark Shapior and Michael Sherrill.
Contact Lill Street: e-mail or telephone (773) 477-6185
Fee: $60, includes lunch.