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fw: george ohr

updated wed 20 sep 00


Huske Christina on tue 19 sep 00

This is the lastest information on GEO. I guess only the folks in
Mississipp will get to enjoy,
what has been described to me as, a wonderful program.

-----Original Message-----
From: bennett janice []
Sent: Tuesday, September 19, 2000 9:16 AM
Subject: George Ohr

I was not able to find any information about George Ohr in our computer
system, so I contacted Mississippi ETV who gave me this information:

The program, "MS Masters--The Mad Potter of Biloxi, George E.
Ohr," was a locally-produced program, is not available on video, and has
not been made available to stations outside the area. The Ohr Festival is
scheduled October 28 and 29. This is an annual arts and crafts festival
in Biloxi, MS, located in and around the Ohr-O'Keefe Museum of Art.

So, I'm sorry, but we will not be airing the program.

If I can be of help with anything else, just let me know.

Janice Bennett
Promotions Assistant
KTWU/Channel 11
Topeka, KS