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re seeing witness cone

updated mon 11 sep 00


Wade Blocker on sun 10 sep 00

You are right that by painting one side of the cone it might change the
rate of the cones maturing.However I have not found that it makes any
difference in my firing. When I fired my gas kiln I had no problem seeing
the cones at a cone 10. However, as you discovered,in an electric kiln it
is often difficult to see the cones bend. I consider painting the cone
safer than puffing into the spy hole.I believe it was students at Alfred
who came up with this idea.
For a bisque firing there is no need to paint the cones. Only when the
kiln reaches white heat do the cones become difficult to see. I have had
no luck with dark glasses or welders glass. Mia in ABQ where the mornings
are finally cool.