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tools and "lathe turned pot"

updated tue 5 sep 00


Craig Donalson on mon 4 sep 00

Nice thread on tools, a couple of quotes come to mind: "Good tools, =
require less skill" Marcel Duchamp. =20
The other is: " a dull saw will cut you much quicker than a sharp one" =
unknown carpenter.

The thread on lathe's brought to mind that I have an 8" diameter "bowl" =
that was in fact turned on a lathe by a very accomplished potter, Jim =
Richardson of Grass Valley CA. I believe the piece is made from a =
piece of local soapstone like stone. The pot is no more than 1/4" =
thick, has an elegant turned foot less than 2" in diameter, and the top =
rim undulates pleasantly, echoing the original contour of the stone. =
The texture is waxy and the colors are mottled rutile, chrome. An =
annual application of mineral oil restores a reserved lustre. Jim has =
been a potter since at least the early 60's with Reese Bullen, at =
Humboldt State, and then on to Sacramento State I believe. As I recall =
the conversation when I purchased this pot, it was turned from a solid =
"rock" of soapstone on an inexpensive lathe from Sears... Something to =