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ball mill wanted...

updated thu 11 may 00


kathleen chase on sun 30 apr 00

Hi- I am still on the lookout ,now more than ever, for a used ball/pebble =
Any size will do and I can even pick it up in the New England/ Eastern sea =
areas. If you know of anyone thinking of upgrading or selling their =
off please let me know=21 Thanks - Kathy Chase Earth-n-Fire Pottery-on =
Cod ,sinking closer to the ocean with each continuous day of rain....

kathleen chase on wed 10 may 00


Hi- I am still on the lookout ,now more than ever, for a used ball/pebble =
Any size will do and I can even pick it up in the New England/ Eastern sea =
areas. If you know of anyone thinking of upgrading or selling their =
off please let me know=21 Thanks - Kathy Chase Earth-n-Fire Pottery-on =
Cape Cod
,sinking closer to the ocean with each continuous day of rain....