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updated mon 17 apr 00


Gerry Chichester on sun 16 apr 00

I had to jump in on this discussion as a ceramics teacher who is right =
and has taught lefties, righties and even some I-don't -really-knowies=21 =
One of
the benefits of being a potter, as Mel mentioned, is our chance to use both
hands almost equally. Over the years, after teaching such a variety, I find
that the only thing I can't do really well with my left hand is write, but =
in a
pinch, I can make reasonably legible scribbles with said hand. I demo
right-handed then ask for any lefties, flip my old Shimpo switch to reverse =
off I go left-handed. Many of my right handed students prefer to throw
clockwise and I let 'em=21=21 Saves headaches explaining why they should go=
other way. Carly