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promoting microcrystal growth

updated mon 3 apr 00


Cheryl L Litman on sun 2 apr 00

I've had some success getting micro crystals with a glaze I took off of
clayart last year called S2. I used a firing profile that Jan Walker
shared about the same time. It fires down at 50C an hour from 900C to
700C. Before 900C the cooling is limited to 150C/hour.

Before I start dedicating whole kilnloads to experiments, I was wondering
if anyone else has played with firing profiles to get microcrystal
growth. Specifically, would a soak in the 900-700 range be as effective
as the 50 degree temp drop?

Jan also mentioned that if the pots she wants crystals on are a small
minority then she just puts those in the next bisque and lets the rest of
the pots go through a normal cooling.

Cheryl Litman ---------- Somerset, NJ --------- email:

***Experience is what allows you to recognize a mistake......when you
make it again.***