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re./fire+ lana wilson

updated wed 15 mar 00


=?iso-8859-1?B?+fjl7w==?= on tue 14 mar 00

More about re firing and more about Lana Wilson!
Until recently, works, that the glazing turned out BAD, met my hammer.
>From Lana Wilson's book I learnt her recipe of an "in between" engob.You
apply it on the glaze, refire,and that coat it with another glaze.

Lana's Dry Borax Engob
BORAX............... 14.00 14.00%
KAOLIN............. 57.00 57.00%
SILICA.............. 29.00 29.00%

Si:Al 4.72
SiB:Al 5.09
Expan 5.70

"To cover failure glazes. Fire to ^6 or^06 and glaze again For speckles
add 3 granular rutile".

I added CMC to connect it better to the glazed piece
To any of you that cannot arrive to her workshops I recommend to buy her
Ceramics: Shapes and Surfaces Handouts for Potters
and video cassette and have Lana Wilson at home. The book is the always
book in my studio. This book is not a recipes book alone but much more:A
good gate creativity