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fw: woodfire kiln chimney

updated wed 9 feb 00


Dave Finkelnburg on tue 8 feb 00

Are you certain you need such a tall chimney? Are you
close to tall buildings that will prevent your kiln from drawing?
I'm at 4,700 feet elevation and fire my gas downdraft just fine with a
brick, 18" square, chimney that is only 12 feet tall. I suspect that is
about 6 feet taller than is really needed. I fired at first with a
10-foot tall stack and it worked fine. Then I added
two feet of height to the stack when I put up the kiln shed and wanted the
top of the chimney to
be two feet higher than the ridge line.
You may want to consider lighting a fire and seeing how your kiln draws
before you worry too much about making the stack taller.
Dave Finkelnburg

> -----Original Message-----
>From: G. Max Vogt, Ph.D.
>Date: Monday, February 07, 2000 1:16 PM
>>----------------------------Original message----------------------------
>I've built a modified Olsen fastfire (60 cubic feet) and am working on
>> >>chimney. I have 12 feet of (internal dimension) 18 inch firebrick
>> >>chimey. Living at 4000 feet elevation, I'm needing to finish the
>> >>in such a way as to be able to experiment with the ultimate height (up

>>20 feet?), and also with the amount of step down in diameter to deal
>>velocity. Does someone have a suggestion of what setup of pipe (cast
>>iron, stainless, etc?) I could use, and on what kind of mounting base
>>use at the top of the current brick chimey?
>>Thanks very much,