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nceca, higher ground info

updated sat 8 jan 00


Russel Fouts, \"Mes Potes et Mes Pots\" on thu 6 jan 00


>> I just posted information on NCECA 2000 on the web. It is best accessed
by going to the NCECA homepage at . The link is right at
the top of the page. Included is a tentative schedule, exhibitions list,
information on the bus tours and more. <<

Thanks for posting all that info. I don't think we've ever had so much
detail so early. I'm making my plans already.

>> If you must call Regina from other countries call 541-347-7075 <<

Thanks for posting this, can you put it on the web page as well? (or maybe I
missed it)

Also, is there an email address where Regina or someone from her staff can
be reached?

Russel (is Joe going to bring his sari again?)

Russel Fouts
Mes Potes & Mes Pots
Brussels, Belgium
Tel: +32 2 223 02 75
Mobile: +32 476 55 38 75

Louis H.. Katz on fri 7 jan 00

Hi Russel,
The phone for Reggie from other countries is there on the page, but it is a
link away from the board page. She was getting too many NCECA calls on her
personal phone.
Email to Reggie is not possible. She is not online and will probably never be
while she is running registration. Ethyl Sayre the new board administrator can
be reached at

Minerva, the conference planner is at

Minerva is the one to contact if you are on the program and need to talk about
details. Ethyl will probably be the best email for details regarding membership
and such.


"Russel Fouts, \"Mes Potes et Mes Pots\"" wrote:

> ----------------------------Original message----------------------------
> Louis,
> >> I just posted information on NCECA 2000 on the web. It is best accessed
> by going to the NCECA homepage at . The link is right at
> the top of the page. Included is a tentative schedule, exhibitions list,
> information on the bus tours and more. <<
> Thanks for posting all that info. I don't think we've ever had so much
> detail so early. I'm making my plans already.
> >> If you must call Regina from other countries call 541-347-7075 <<
> Thanks for posting this, can you put it on the web page as well? (or maybe I
> missed it)
> Also, is there an email address where Regina or someone from her staff can
> be reached?
> Russel (is Joe going to bring his sari again?)
> Russel Fouts
> Mes Potes & Mes Pots
> Brussels, Belgium
> Tel: +32 2 223 02 75
> Mobile: +32 476 55 38 75
> Http://