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anagama firing at peter's valley nj

updated thu 30 dec 99


doug shea on wed 29 dec 99

Hello all,
I'm going to have some pots in the Peter's Valley (Layton NJ) Anagama firing
that starts loading on Jan. 7th and I have some questions about it. Is there an
in using any glaze on the outside of my pot? I was thinking about using some sm
touches of glaze (very stable ^10) as an accent. Worth the effort or just a was
How about air-brushing or painting some colorants. (cobalt or copper carbonate
or oxide, Iron Ox, etc) Any suggestions about what I could expect if I did this?
How does one deal with lids in this type of firing? Is the lid simply wadded
like it would be for a wood or salt firing? Couldn't this cause them not to fit
much crust builds up on the lip of the jar or the edge of the flange of the lid?
this just the risk I take?
Don't get me wrong, I've got no expectations about what I'm going to get, but I
would like to eliminate any obvious errors that I could make. I'm looking at th
I look at Raku (sort of): try to eliminate as many variables as you can (not man
avoid the things that tend to give bad results, and let chance and the kiln gods
they will. If you surrender your expectations to them, you'll often be pleasant
surprised with the results.

For those interested, there might be some space in the kiln for more work. The
cost is $25.00 per cubic foot. Call Peter's Valley at (973) 948-5200. Bruce De
the head of the Ceramics Facility.

For all the info and advice I am about to receive, I thank you,
Jim Shea
Choconut Pa