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i.w. conch international ceramic workshop

updated fri 12 nov 99


Jerry Cash on thu 11 nov 99

Announcing the I.W. Conch International Ceramic Workshop in Key West,
Florida, held in the Gulfside clay studio at Florida Keys Community
Cohosts are Jay Gogin, FKCC Ceramic Artist in Residence and Kouji Sugie,
Master Potter from Tokoname, Japan.

Feb. 15 - 29: "Ceramic Work" in the Western and Japanese style.

March 1 - 5: "Firing Symposium" with
Jay Gogin - gas-fired stoneware
Kouji Sugie - Japanese wood fire
Paul Soldner & Kathy Koop - low-fire salt
Robert Piepenburg - American raku
Peter Voulkas & Pete Callas - primitive

Feb. 15 - March 5 (includes local homestay), $1,000.
March 1 - 5 Firing Symposium, $250.
Application Deadline is January 1, 2000

Contact Jay Gogin, FKCC, 5901 College Rd., Key West, FL 33040,
(305)296-9081, x 223
or Jerry Cash, Chair of Fine Arts @