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clay recycle in class

updated tue 31 aug 99


millie carpenter on mon 30 aug 99


Assuming that there isn't a pug mill, or clay mixer, two things work. one is to
have small slaking buckets for each class, not much water in them, so that they
don't have to deal with the "Yucky, ushee" and they only get 1/2 the ammount tha
they want and much wedge reclain for the rest. a little heartless, but it works
also part of the grade is always clean up and using the reclaim. usually the kid
will learn to rewedge at the end of the period and put away for the next class.

Millie in Md. where the water on the bay looks like a impressionist painting.

> Secondly, a friend teaching high school ceramics is running into resistance
> from students not wanting to reprocess the slop buckets.
> What tricks do clayarts use to keep down the smell? I personally love it and
> wouldn't do anything to thwart those little beasties from multiplying.
> Thanks
> Malcolm Davis