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porceilian slip?

updated fri 27 aug 99


Bobbi Cats on wed 25 aug 99


Can anyone help me with a receipe for porceilian slip???

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Thank You

Bobbi Cats ( UTexas ceramics student)

Vince Pitelka on thu 26 aug 99

>Can anyone help me with a receipe for porcelain slip???
>Any help will be greatly appreciated.
>Bobbi Cats ( UTexas ceramics student)

Bobbi -
I am assuming you are looking for a decorating slip, and not a casting slip.
The following is a decorating slip which I have used on all claybodies at
all temperatures, with great success. I have posted it on clayart before.
It is basically a porcelain body recipe, so it should work great on any
porcelain clay.
Note: when mixing a decorating slip, it should NOT be deflocculated, as
that would make it flow and intermix too readily in use, and makes it sag on
a vertical surface. The slip stays in place much better when it is
flocculated with 1/2 of 1% (of the dry materials weight) epsom salts
dissolved in the water that you then use to make the slip.

All-Temperature White Base Slip
Kaolin ------------------- 34
Ball Clay --------------- 20
Potash Feldspar ---- 27
Silica ------------------- 19
Total ------------------- 100
Plus: 8% Zircopax (opacifier)

Good luck -
- Vince

Vince Pitelka -
Home 615/597-5376, work 615/597-6801 ext. 111, fax 615/597-6803
Appalachian Center for Crafts
Tennessee Technological University
1560 Craft Center Drive, Smithville TN 37166