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need satin matte green glaze

updated fri 20 aug 99


Sheron Roberts on sat 14 aug 99


The following is a glaze I have been using for a year with pleasing results.=
found this in The Complete Potter's Companion, by Tony Birks. This glaze is
smooth and satiny, not glossy or dry. The book gives this description: =
handsome dark green glaze with a very smooth surface has small black =
where the copper oxide shows its strength. The addition of 1percent cobalt
oxide and 1 percent tin oxide instead of copper makes an equally rich =
To get the black mottlings I double dip my pots. Here it is,

Dark Green
oxidized 2,335F
48 feldspar (I used potash feldspar)
22 china clay (I use EPK)
20 whiting (calcium carbonate)
10 flint (silica)
3 copper oxide

This glaze has the warm look of a reduction firing, which is a nice surprise
coming from an electric kiln. If I could remember how to hook my digital =
up to the computer I would send you a photo of one of my pots with this =
Maybe I will find the time to figure it out.
Sheron in NC suffering from the =22can't help its=22 (definition =3D too hot=
to do
Whiteville, NC

Susan Goldstein on thu 19 aug 99

In a message dated 08/16/1999 5:53:21 PM Eastern Daylight Time, Cerere writes:

Dark Green
oxidized 2,335F
48 feldspar (I used potash feldspar)
22 china clay (I use EPK)
20 whiting (calcium carbonate)
10 flint (silica)
3 copper oxide
Can't fire it with my regular firing because it' a ^9 glaze...ask how to
make it ^6 >>

As noted, a friend of mine is asking how to change this to a cone six glaze.
Would appreciate your help.
