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recycle that old dishwhacker!

updated sat 17 apr 99


Lori Leary on fri 16 apr 99

I just thought I would share with the list my latest "invention"
(although I bet David Hendley has already done it).

Take an old portable dishwasher (with wheels). Remove the innards and
motor, save the bottom dish rack. Remove the top, and replace with a
plaster filled square the same size as the top (bolt in place). Take
the dish rack, push all of the prongs down so you have a reasonably flat
surface (No need to cut them off). Line the dish rack with an old vinyl
tablecloth, duct tape it in place. Put the rack in the bottom of the
dishwasher. Voila! You now have a clay bin on wheels with a drying bat
on top. Clever, huh?

I keep it in a corner near my wedgie table. When I need to reclaim
clay, I wheel it over to the pugmill, take the clay off the top, pug it,
then toss it in the bin.

Lori L.....that's "McGyver Mom" to my kids.
Pawleys Island, SC