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trip to london, uk

updated sun 4 apr 99


Ravit Birenboim on wed 31 mar 99

Hi, I am going to be in London from April 9th.
Does anyone have any suggestions for nic eceramic shows, and ceramic
collections in the Museums?
I also know that there is a store of the "potters association'"..(not sure
that this is the exact name), if you know the address, it will be very
Thank you, Ravit


Contemporary Ceramics on 7 Marshall Street, London w1v 1LP
open m-sat 10-5:30 and thursday 10-7pm. Phone 0171-437 7605

Crafts council 44a Pentonville Road London N1 9by

Contemporary Applied Arts 2 Percy Street London SW1P 3NQ

shirley freed on thu 1 apr 99

Hi Ravit,

London is a great place for viewing ceramics. Contemporary Ceramics, the
Craft Potters Shop and Gallery, is at 7 Marshall Street London WIV 1LP, just
off Regent Street, not far from Carnaby Street.
There you should be able to pick up a copy of the Crafts Council Crafts Map
which gives the addresses of some important shops and galleries in London.
Near the back of each copy of Ceramics Review, the Craft Potters
publication, is a list of current exhibitions. While in the center of
London you might visit Galerie Besson. There is no end of nice ceramics at
the Victoria ans Albert Museum which, in addition, houses the Crafts Council
Shop just inside the main entrance.

You can reach Ceramic Review by e-mail:

Another publication with a calendar of exhibitions is Studio Pottery:
ceramics in society, web, e-mail:

Have a wonderful time.

Shirley Freed
-----Original Message-----
From: Ravit Birenboim
Date: Wednesday, March 31, 1999 1:54 PM
Subject: trip to London, UK

>----------------------------Original message----------------------------
>Hi, I am going to be in London from April 9th.
>Does anyone have any suggestions for nic eceramic shows, and ceramic
>collections in the Museums?
>I also know that there is a store of the "potters association'"..(not sure
>that this is the exact name), if you know the address, it will be very
>Thank you, Ravit

Della Lewis on fri 2 apr 99

>----------------------------Original message----------------------------
>Hi, I am going to be in London from April 9th.
>Does anyone have any suggestions for nic eceramic shows, and ceramic
>collections in the Museums?
>I also know that there is a store of the "potters association'"..(not sure
>that this is the exact name), if you know the address, it will be very
>Thank you, Ravit

Hi Ravit:

There is a craft Potters shop and gallery called Contemporary Ceramics that
I visited in the fall of 97. Unfortunately I arrived just before closing
time so I didn't have too much time to show or browse and we were leaving
early the next morning. The shop can be found in London's west end. The
address is:

Contemporary Ceramics
William Blake House
7 Marshall STreet London
Phone 0171-437 7605
Fax 0171-287 9954

Open Mon - Sat 10:00 - 5:30

I do recall a young American purchasing a small Walter Keeler pot for
around 70 pounds--my budget was much less and but was able to pick up a few
small items mostly cups and small bowls for around 12 - 14 pounds each.
Mostly wood fired things from the studios of Ray Finch, John Leach,
Dartington pottery and others.

My best purchase for 11.95 (pounds) is an attractive soft-bound illustrated
Directory (all colour plates) of Fellows and Professional Members of the
Craft Potters Association. It's the who's who of current potters in

We often go to Wales to visit my husbands parents now in their 80's and I
always like to spend a few days in London -- The Victoria and Albert Museum
had an interesting collection of potters work such as Bernard Leach, Lucy
Rie and Hans Cooper-and other FAMOUS potters when I visited in 1995--it's
worthwhile -----no charge after 4:00 p.m.

Visited the British Museum on our last trip but that was a disaster because
renovations were taking place for the year 2000 and the pottery was in
disarray - then the fire alarm went at 2:00 in the afternoon and after
waiting for 45 minutes and still unable to re-enter I decided to go back to
the hotel. I did however enjoy seeing the fine collection of early Chinese
pottery. It has wonderful examples also of early African, Greek, Egyptian,
Old Britain etc pottery. Admission fee was very reasonable.

Hope you have a great time in London -- we also enjoy the antiques and the
theatre. Matinee tickets are quite reasonable.

Della Lewis -- Calgary, Canada

Della Lewis (

Phil Rowley on fri 2 apr 99

Probably the best collection of "old" ceramics is in the Victoria and Albert
Museum in Kensington.

If you have enough time to travel, Stoke-on-Trent (the "Potteries") is only
around 1.5 hours by train from London Euston. The Potteries Museum (formerly
the City Museum) holds the world's greatest collection of British ceramics.
Longton also has Gladstone Pottery Museum, the only working pottery museum
with a traditional cobbled yard and bottle ovens etc.

Please contact me if you need further info. You will find some pitcures of
Gladstone on my Internet site (sorry, no text as yet).

Phil Rowley