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impressions from nceca/clayart99

updated mon 22 mar 99


Linda Blossom on sun 21 mar 99

I thought I would try to give one person's experience of nceca/clayart99 in
order to entice more of our members to attend in the future. I took a
friend with me who is not on Clayart and her overall impression was that our
group is comprised of some very nice people. To get to our room, one had to
go through the open area with a bar and it became apparent that we had the
better way of meeting than those in the bar. Of course we had the advantage
of name recognition of each other.

The crown jewel of nceca/clayart99, for me, was my Kurt Wild mug. I was so
glad to have finally met Kurt in person and am still in awe of the mug and
the fact that he gave it to me.

Mel was a conscientious host and entertainer deluxe. The change from the
Clayart breakfast to the room was like going from tin cans to telephones.
We owe a big one to Mel for this idea. Also, a big thank you for Pottery
Illustrated and their hosting the room this year.

Alice and Feriz Delkic are a wonderful part of the group even though they
are not online. They hosted a reception for everyone on Thursday complete
with food. They are very gracious and giving of knowledge and kindness.

Vince and David McBeth - I have almost made them a unit in my mind. Two of
the nicest people ever - You can't do better than be hugged by these two.

Our own Russell was a hit with his presentation at the international slide
show. His work was well received and I think his to-the-point and humble
manner were appreciated.

Thank goodness Carla Flati has returned to the cyber fold. She is a
necessary presence at any party!

I had a chance to speak with Bacia (very pleasant experience) and admired
her beautiful teapot on the Clay Times poster.

Terry Sullivan - what a charming man - just who is the actor that he reminds
me of? When I figure it out, I'll let you know. I'll just have to watch
more television for a while.

Our own patient tax time friend who selflessly gives us advice, Bonnie
Hellman, shared the pictures of her new studio. It is nestled below
mountains and is connected to her house with a wooden walkway. A dream

Ron Roy took on one of the big boys of clay during the glaze calc panel and
held his own. In fact, I think I saw a toughness that he must hold in
reserve. I found Ron's speaking manner to be very well thought out and easy
to follow.

The delightfully irreverent Paul Lewing, also on the glaze calc panel,
shared his slides, methods of working, and his personal attitude toward
rules. In his attitude and work, he is the one I feel is most kindred to.

Doug Gray. Recent fame over his Pottery Illustrated article has not gone to
his head. His gentle southern accent is surely an expression of his soul.

Louis Katz was younger than I expected. He has so much energy, I don't
think I saw him out of motion. If you ever catch him with his laptop,
insist on seeing the moving bricks.

I met and spoke with Robert Piepenburg in the exhibitors' hall and purchased
his book "Treasures of the Creative Spirit". He was a very kind and easy
person to talk to and I also purchased a pot from him. I think that as I
read this little book, the pot will take on new meaning. If anyone else has
read this book (not a text or how to book, but rather a book about spirit
and creativity) please let me know. I would love to have someone to discuss
it with.

I met many new faces (old names) and had more contact with some that I had
only briefly met in previous years. This ever widening circle is the beauty
of the clayart room experience. I hope that if you have wondered if you
should attend, that you will realize that you already belong and all you
have to do is show up and come on in. I know that Mel will be there
greeting you.

Linda Blossom
2366 Slaterville Rd
Ithaca, NY 14850