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geil kiln

updated sat 8 jul 00


Joyce Lee on thu 18 mar 99

Just gonna' sneak one little post in, if I can. This is to all you NCECA
goers: If you see Paul Geil, a great clay person who builds exemplary
kilns, and if you think of it AND are so inclined, please ask him when
I'm going to get my salt kiln. I haven't been able to get in touch with
him due to his extremely busy schedule. Thank you.

In the Mojave wanting to fire with the new'll take me
eons to learn how to use it...ok with me...anticipating the opportunity.

Joyce Lee on sun 8 aug 99

Geil's e-mail is:

snail address: Geil Kiln Company
1601 West Rosecrans Avenue
Gardena, CA 90249

telephone: 310-532-2402

When I get shelves, should be Monday at latest, my new kiln will be
ready to go. I know I'm going to love it ... my smaller one is a little

In the Mojave firing some more matt tallow tomorrow ... using David's
advice ... looking forward to results. Thank you, David.

Joyce Lee on fri 7 jul 00


I do have a Geil 802 fiber-lined gas kiln and liked it so much that my
next kiln is also a Geil. The safety features are what sold me on the
first one and #1 Support Person approved (who became traumatized at the
concept of my firing G-A-S ... not a chauvinist ... generally thinks I
can do anything I set my mind to do.... but right in this case.) I was
fortunate in that we'd purchased a huge Geil for our highschool a couple
years before I got into pottery, which meant that the pottery teacher
and I had researched kilns thoroughly before deciding on the Geil. I
found all the info I needed for general reduction firing in the
Operator's Guide, and followed that guide exactly, recording my every
move and the kiln's every change, for the first couple of years. Later
I changed schedules for copper reds and shinos, but still record
everything that happens. Geil has a handy chart in the guide, which I
xeroxed and use for each firing. If Geil sent you a new guide, you may
not have the reduction information (my new one doesn't...think it was
left out by mistake) but my first guide has all I needed to know so for
me the oversight wasn't significant. If you don't have it, send me your
snail address and I'll copy the reduction pages
and send them to you.

In the Mojave