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updated sat 24 jun 00


Don Lyons on sat 13 mar 99

Hi all,
The Lexington Arts and Crafts Ceramic Guild needs a compressor for
spraying glazes. The usage will be relatively light. To minimize noise,
we plan to buy a compressor with a tank. We would greatly appreciate any
recommendations for us re brand, power and/or source. What should we
look for and what should we avoid?
Don L.

Anji Henderson on sat 17 jun 00

I am selling a Sears / 2 HP/ 2 cylinder/ 20 gal
compressor, with / 90 SCFM@40Psi . It looks new and
was bought in 1988. This is an artist and has only use
it for airbrushing. I would buy it my self bit I have
enough things here that I need to get electrical work
done in my house for, and it is 240 volts. He is
asking $250.

Please e-mail me directly at

-- in MD where the weather cant seem to make up it's mind....

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Jeff Lawrence on thu 22 jun 00


I have a 110 volt 20 gallon Sears compressor and found out the hard way that
its aluminum cylinder wears away under the influence of clay. Rebuilding it
was almost as much as it cost new. All the other parts of it are well made,
and I still use it as a backup to the 60 gallon compressor.

Also, it was/is awfully loud. Either as loud as the big one I use now, or
maybe with a more penetrating sonic print.

Were it me looking, I'd look for a different brand with an iron cylinder.

Jeff Lawrence ph. 505-753-5913
Sun Dagger Design fx. 505-753-8074
18496 US HWY 285/84
Espanola, NM 87532'