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my glaze looks like pudding...

updated thu 4 mar 99


Chris Schafale on tue 2 mar 99

Can someone explain to me what is really going on when a glaze
"gels"? How does this relate to flocculation? Thanks for any

If you're up for a possibly extended conversation about
flocculation/deflocculation, please email me off-list. Thanks.

Light One Candle Pottery
Fuquay-Varina, NC

Chris Schafale on tue 2 mar 99

Can someone explain to me what is really going on when a glaze
"gels"? How does this relate to flocculation? Thanks for any

If you're up for a possibly extended conversation about
flocculation/deflocculation, please email me off-list. Thanks.

Light One Candle Pottery
Fuquay-Varina, NC