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ceramics class prerequisites

updated thu 23 apr 98


ARTMOLIN@ACS.EKU.EDU on wed 22 apr 98

I'd like to hear from anyone who teaches in a college and/or university
ceramics program about whether or not you have a prerequisite for your
beginning ceramics classes. Here at EKU we are grappling with the issue
of prerequisites for the beginning ceramics and jewelry classes, and
wish to learn more about has other schools are set up. We currently do
not have a prerequisite for these classes, however, we do for the
others (i.e., painting, sculpture, etc.). The non-art majors take the
ceramics and jewelry classes regularly, but some think it is only becuse
there are no prerequisites. Others believe it is more that they
(non-art majors) are naturally drawn to these type of classes. BTW, the
non-art majors generally do quite well in these intro classes despite
the lack of the 3-4 prerequisites that many think they should have.

Anyway, if any of you are teaching in clay programs, I'd certainly
appreciate hearing from you and letting me know if you do or do not have
a prerequisite for you intro clay classes. Any opinions about whether
it's a good idea or not are also appreciated.

Please send this info to me personally at:

so as to not clog the list. That moderator guy might get a bit testy
if it does! :)



Joe Molinaro INTERNET:
Department of Art BITNET: artmolin@eku
Eastern Kentucky University VOICE: (606) 622-1634
Richmond, KY 40475