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sandblasting and acid etching resist

updated thu 1 oct 98


Nevis on tue 29 sep 98


I'm a very new person in this forum and take the liberty asking information.=
my country Finland sandblasting is a very little used technic in ceramic
decoration and acid etching is unknown. Indeed some glass people use acid

I'm looking for good resist materials to sandblast and acid etching( technic
silkscreen printing). I have got some recipes and after testing found out it=
not very good. I'm interesting in =22no-smell=22 resists, meaning not much =
smelling dissolvents. If somebody even knows good books of that, I'll be =

I have checked all glass and ceramic books and magazines, which I have found
from my country and just one ceramic book mention acid etching (Peter
Beard/Resist and masking techniques). From glass books I have got many good
informations, but not real masking recipes. I know latex, wax, rubber =
sellotapes, lead foils, animal fats and pitch can be used, but in my case I =
printing mask material with silkscreen to ceramic and some kind of vax or =
mix is maybe answer. If you know, send me information. I'll try help another
time, if possible.

Kindly Riitta from Finland

Donn Buchfinck on wed 30 sep 98

3-M corporation makes a flexible membrane called buttercut that is a resistant
to sandblasting. You just wrap your ceamic piece with it, it is very
flexible, then you cut out what you whant to sandblast, then it peals off

as to where you can get it where you are at, I cannot help you there
I would talk to some glass blowing people in your area

good luck
Donn Buchfinck

Hank Ray on wed 30 sep 98

Hello .....

finally something i know something about.....

for an acid etching resist to use with silk screening..... plain ol' acrylic
paint... just like fine art painters use......

good luck...

peter coates in oklahoma, usa