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new kid on the block ii

updated sat 14 nov 98


Bibi on fri 13 nov 98

Thanks to those of you who replied here or to me privately after my
first post.
Wanted to let you all know that I have now started on the pottery class,
and that I am thrilled! I have been limited in my work as an artist,
doing mostly works on paper and canvas - and now that I have re-tasted
the texture of clay and can create in 3D, there is no turning back.
Working with clay is wonderful and exactly what I have been looking for!

It's too early to say if I will study pottery full time later but I
definitely will do ceramics as a hobby. Even if I had a year of clay in
art school many years ago I am still a total beginner at this, and I
know pottery is a life long study. Life is all I got, why not spend it
learning as much as I can while enjoying the process! I have no idea if
the bowls I made are going to survive drying or burning, but that is not
important at this early stage. I have started on a long journey, but the
first baby steps has been most rewarding for me personally.

Reading your posts with interest and have visited the home pages some of
you have- this is a great group!


PS: Torgeir - jeg kikket innom sidene dine fra verkstedet -
"saltbrenningen" se meget spennende ut! Skulle gjerne tatt en tur til
Rvros neste gang jeg er pe ferie i gamlelandet! (Er for tiden bosatt pe