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harlan house --- porcelain workshop

updated mon 11 jan 99


Betty Burroughs on sun 10 jan 99

METCHOSIN INT'L. SUMMER SCHOOL OF THE ARTS presents a 2-day workshop by
HARLAN HOUSE, well-known for his work in porcelain. His work can be found in
museums and art collections throughout the world. He has received many
awards, among them, the 1989 Saidye Bronfman Award for Excellence in
Canadian Craft and the 1997 Chalmers Award. He has lectured extensively and
has had over 50 one-man exhibitions of his porcelain. His work is classic --
porcelain fired with glazes that last forever because they are inspired by
very old traditions.

This workshop is devoted to a greater understanding of what porcelain is. A
potter for over 30 years, he will demonstrate some tool-making, throwing,
trimming and decoration techniques. He will also show slides of his work and
a recent trip to China...the land of clay from a potter's perspective.

Workshop will be held MARCH 13-14, 1999, at MISSA, Lester B. Pearson College
of the Pacific, near Victoria, B.C. Cost is $100.Canadian (includes GST)
and covers lunches and refreshments (Friends of MISSA: $90)

Make cheque payable to M.I.S.S.A. and send to:
Meira Mathison,
650 Pearson College Drive,
Victoria, B.C. V9C 4H7

Inquiries: (250)391-2420 Fax: (250)391-2412
Betty Burroughs
Victoria, BC