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bluebird pugmill questions

updated tue 11 aug 98


Paul Huel on mon 10 aug 98

Greetings Clayartists=21

We have been using a bluebird 440 deairing pugmill for a few years
now, and have problems with air bubbles still present in the clay. I
think the seals are ok, and I have replaced the cam etc, but still
have problems, and am now suspecting that the vacuum pump is just not
up to the task. It seems that the problem is worse with stiffer clay,
( like to throw with stiffer clay) anyway, it now seems by a process
of elimination that the vacuum pump is just too weak. Has anyone else
have any problems like this and are they associated with the vacuum
pump or? Thanks

Paul and Carole Huel

P a u l =26 C a r o l e H u e l - Kispiox Valley, B.C. Canada