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alpine solenoids

updated tue 28 jul 98


Earl Brunner on sun 26 jul 98

Solenoids are electric switches/valves that are opened and closed using
electromagnetic fields, On the kiln gas line, they are part of the safety
on/off system, hence manufactured kilns tend to have them and homebuilt may

Barney Adams on mon 27 jul 98

a solenoid uses a magnetic field to move a plunger. The solenoid in a car
is used to move the gear for the starter against the flywheel. The principle
is the plunger is magnetically oriented opposite the polarity of the coil it
is surrounded by. It's a little more than that , but it conveys the concept of the
workings, I hope. The problem with a solenoid is the high current through the windings.
The copper wire coiled around are varnished to insulate them. With age and the temperature
generated when current is passed through the wire eventually causes the insulation to
break down.
> AUGHHHHHHHH. OK. Here's one for the electrical professionals out there.
> Subject: 20 year old Alpine Kiln.
> Problem: Solenoid crash.
> Solution: Get new solenoid. NOT GOOD enough!
> Can someone out there explain what and how these little puppies operate and
> why they are a feature on so many manufacture gas kilns.
> FYI: upon removal, the really pretty blue colored plastic housing was
> green and crumbly on the inside and fractured on the outside. No David! -
> I did not taste it! A least not yet!
> Anyway, the pieces were too large for the wood kiln. I am going to build
> me a bigger wood kiln as soon as the temperature changes in West Texas?
> Thanks,
> Xris
> Christopher John Stanley
> The University of Texas of the Permian Basin
> 4901 East University
> 79762-0001
> (915) 552-2287 office (915) 552-2289 kiln room
> Questions, Comments, Criticisms, and Suggestions are always needed!

David Woodin Set Clayart Digest on mon 27 jul 98

The coil when energized develops a magnetic field which in turn lifts a
plunger to open the gas valve. In order to sell gas kiln of a certain size
thruout the country certain standards for flame safety have to be met. Alpine
uses a flame detector that sights on the flame and if the flame is good enough
a signal is sent back to the flamesafety unit which in turn puts power to the
gas solonoid valve. This is much safer than the thermocouple method used on
smaller kilns. You don't have to change the whole valve, only the coil.