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michael imes pinch pot workshop re: seeking summer workshops

updated sun 19 apr 98


Dave Eitel on sat 18 apr 98

>The most recent issue of CM (the April issue) contains complete summer
>workshop listings for the whole country (and many international). It lists
>four separate venues in Montana.

Here's one that is not in the CM listing:

Pinch pottery workshop by Michael Imes for ages 14-adult. Open to all
ability and interest levels. Located at Prairie Hill Waldorf School (just
west of Waukesha, WI--near Milwaukee) Fee is $120 plus materials. Glazing
and firing dates TBA. For information call 414-642-2106. (Work will be
glazed and fired at my studio in Cedarburg approximately a week after the

Michael is an excellent teacher and his pots are wonderful.


Dave Eitel
Cedar Creek Pottery
Cedarburg, WI USA