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glaze formulas for anyone who wants them

updated fri 13 mar 98


Sue Hintz on thu 12 mar 98

I have spent about a year reading all of the good things you
all have had to share and thought it is my turn to do some of
the giving. Here are some formulas that I have gathered from
the studio. I don't know who the original creators of these are.
Hope you all enjoy them:

3 part clear Cone 5-6
50 Ger. Borate
15 EPK
35 Flint

Nice clear, when applied thicker it gets milky.
.5% cobol makes
a nice transparent blue.

WG White Cone 5-6
Feldspar 3000
Ger. Borate 1000
Zinc 1000
Dolomite 1500
Flint 2200
Nice white, get pastel colors when adding cobol
or copper carb. Slips show through very nicely.

Oil Spot Cone 5-9
EPK 9.5
Feldspar 152.6
Whiting 10.6
Ger. Borate 20.8
Copper Carb 8
Mang. 8
Cobalt 4
Nice shiny black, works nicely with other
glazes to get interest effects. Try WG white
with this one.

Vals Red Cone 5-6
Flint 30
Feldspar 20
Talc 14
Gers. Borate 32
iron 3
rutile 3

Not really red. Is actually tan. Makes for a
nice base glaze. Oil Spot looks great over
this one.

Majalica cone 04-5

tin oxide 9 or zircopax 18
frit3124 60
feldspar 16
neph. syn 6
kaolin 9
yellow ochre .4
bentonite 3

Beautiful opaque whit, smooth,
doesn't move