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disruptive students in class...

updated sat 14 mar 98


Talbott on thu 12 mar 98

I don't know what is going on in this situation but I know in a
class that if the teacher is NOT in control and is NOT the BOSS then you
DON'T have a class. If you, the teacher, don't have control of the
students then you don't have a class and those students who want to learn
are getting the shaft. If certain kids continue to be disruptive after you
have attempted to make them settle down then kick them OUT of class.
Perhaps the others will shape up. The most feared (by students) teacher I
ever new was a HS teacher and she was not even 5 foot tall, did not weigh
100 lbs soak and wet. But she could control a class and almost never
raised her voice. Mind over mind. There is nothing wrong with raising
your voice but the issue is the teacher "ruling the roost" and NOT the
students. A whistle can REALLY get there attention, if need be get an
"acme thunderer" on a lanyard and wear it around your neck. The sound can
be quite painful if you know how to use it. After a while just seeing the
whistle being raised to your lips will get there attention. ...Marshall

101 CLAYART MUGS (Summer 1998)

Celia & Marshall Talbott, Pottery By Celia, Route 114, P O Box 4116,
Naples, Maine 04055-4116,(207)693-6100 voice and fax,(call first)
Clayarters' Live Chat Room, Fri & Sat Nites at 10 PM EDT & Sun at 1 PM EDT


Cindy on fri 13 mar 98

I can't give you any advice regarding keeping a class of students in line,
but I can give you advice on how to learn how to do this. Yelling,
whistling, flicking lights, etc. are temporary measures which may or may
not work for a few class sessions. I have had teachers who were perfectly
in control without the use of any of these devices. I don't know exactly
how they did it, but it has something to do with attitude and manner.

To learn these intangible things, you must spend time with teachers like
this. The kind of knowledge you need can *only* be obtained through
osmosis--that is, intuitive understanding. I doubt anyone can consciously
teach you what you need to know. What I'm suggesting is that you find a
more experienced/wiser/more successful teacher and submit yourself to
him/her in a mentor/learner relationship. Observe classes, take her to
lunch, spend as much time with her as she will give you. It may not be easy
to find such a person, but if you're truly sincere about learning the
skills you need, nothing else will do.

One other thing . . . when you do find the person willing to help you,
don't annoy him by arguing with his advice. Even if you've tried it before
and it hasn't worked, do it again. How many cups did you throw before you
got it right? How many handles did you pull? Do you honestly know what you
did differently to make it work? Sometimes it's a matter of practice. I
hope this is of some help, and I wish you the best.

Cindy Strnad
Earthen Vessels
Custer, SD