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throwing pots without thinking, feeling, passion, really

updated thu 26 feb 98


Sylvia See on wed 25 feb 98

----------------------------Original message----------------------------
and I thought today was Valentine's Day...not April Fool's Day. This is the
product of a truly left-brained thinker. The web-site is appropos,
astro.physics. Instead of THROWING POTS WITHOUT WATER it should read
thanks, I'll stick to my fingers for better or for worse. This thread
get more activity than the GRIFFIN GRIP.
Naperville, IL

Really Cullen;
I find myself imagining our native people sitting around the campfire. Some
are tanning leather, some are pinching pots. One day, someone picks up a
stone and begins to shape their pot with the stone. Immediately, follows
the deep discussion about the use of the stone. It surely takes away from
the pot. After all, there are folks who will not want pots without the
rough finger marks, surely a trademark of the potter. They must have
discussed this at lengths for months. The pots must surely be less, as they
now have no thinking, feeling, and no passion because of the stone.
For crying out loud!. If the potter loves his work, no matter what he uses
to achieve his results, won't there be feelings, thinking, and passion and
it will show in his work.
Are you really working with a lump of clay and no tools?
By the way, it's 1 am here right now and I can't sleep without going out
and trying this wheels thing. I have some old casters and am going to give
it a shot. May take more skill than the fingers, but we'll see. I also use
the giffin grip. Great for burnishing.
Sylvia See another left-brained thinker