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wheels, fast and powerful

updated mon 17 oct 11


mel jacobson on sun 16 oct 11

fast and powerful is the key to
buying a new wheel.
`this wheel can throw 300 pounds of clay`.

and i say...`who cares?`
`how long will it last without repair, and is
it quiet?` will it make 35,000 five pound pots?`

the first year i went to dubai to teach, i made a
60 pound pot for a tv show. not really that hard
to do. centered 6 ten pound balls. made a bowl.

that was 1981 and i have not made a pot over
twenty pounds since.
but, i have made thousands of ten pound pots and
they all sold.

and as i say...`where do you fire 300 pound pots?`

there are about ten/twenty clay folks in the country that make
big/huge pots and actually sell them.
they have huge kilns. i don't want a huge kiln.
my wood fired kiln at the farm will take big pots, but
i let others arm wrestle those huge monsters.

but, most electric wheels are made for those few potters
that make huge pots. the rest of the world pays the price
for those `bulldozer` wheels. a 90 pound person, working
in their basement does not need that wheel.

most home potters could live their entire life with a
brent model c and make all the pots they ever want.
(with almost no repairs.)
i have a 1964 brent model c at the farm that runs like
a jewel. i sent the electronics and cords back to brent
and they re/built both of my brents. perfect.

in fact i would guess that i could have made all the pots
in my life on a model b brent and would not have been
in any stress. well, warren mac has made all his pots on a
kick wheel. and, he is 87 years old. and, he still makes
a couple thousand pots a year...or more.

so, what i am saying is: the culture of wheels in america is
power and speed. they all do it. if brent slowed all their
wheels down to a sensible level the customers would go crazy.
`gd it, my wheel goes slow, is something wrong?` they would
not have a clue. it is up to the potter/teacher to set the wheel at a
a sensible, working level.

i don't blame joe roach at brent. he is doing what the world wants.
a powerful, well made, fast as hell wheel. a race car.
what most potters need is a vw bug.

if ford came out with a pickup truck with no front windshield, ten
other truck companies would take out their windows too. it is a
culture of copy, copy. do what the other guy is doing....

on a few occasions my family has wanted to buy me a new wheel
as a gift...`dad, what wheel would you like as a christmas gift?`
`hmmm, i rather like the one i have had since 1972. but, thank
you anyway.`

(they forget i have two brents, a lockerbie, and a new axner, and
a very old shimpo. none of which i care to change to.) they think
new would be better and nicer.

it is the same old story...i always find colleen baillie sitting on
my wheel making pots. funny, she has her own wheel right
next to mine...but as soon as i am gone, or not around, her butt
is on my old skutt dc-1. it runs really slow, with tons of torque.
the batts wiggle on the pins as they are old as can be, but that
wheel just makes nice pots.
the best invention since the plastic bag is batt pins.
if someone took my batt pins away....think 30.06.
(that would be 30 caliber, designed in 1906. )

from: minnetonka, mn
clayart link:

MEUNIER LEE on sun 16 oct 11

Well said, Mel.=3DA0 As a matter of fact, it's fantastically well said.=3D0=
nks for the reminder of the person I am.=3DA0 Everytime I=3D0Abegin to feel=
lthier 3 or 4 days in a row, I start to think=3D0A"bigger, biggah.... yeah,=
hat's the ticket... biggahbiggahbiggah."=3D0A=3DA0=3D0ARidiculous!=3DA0 I s=
till am =3D
not All I Want To Be in the 10 to 20=3D0Apound range .... I continue to be =
azed and grateful that I=3D0Ahave sooo many dreams in those areas to be ful=
lled.=3DA0 When=3D0AI achieve a New Look (for me!) I'm not interested in ev=
=3D0Ashowing it to anyone else.=3DA0 The struggle is easier now, but way=3D=
0Atoo =3D
private to share with casual observers who wouldn't=3D0AGet It anyway.=3D0A=
=3D0AI know it's really Not Fair since one of my Great Pleasures is=3D0Awat=
g others work their magic.=3DA0 Right behind that is my=3D0Aexcitement&joy=
ile looking at Pictures of Pots.=3DA0 I like to =3D0Athink that I share in =
r ways...... but not my pots.=3DA0 I do=3D0Ashare the work of others, howev=
er; =3D
my home is full of=3D0AWonderous Pots from many Clayarters.=3D0A=3DA0=3D0AW=
hy ever =3D
did I decide to share this with claybuds as well as=3D0Awith Mel?!=3DA0 Oh =
, such are my compulsions.=3DA0 I know I'm=3D0Agoing to hit SEND without va=
hing the truth....... so be it.=3D0AProbably because=3DA0I no longer have B=
with whom to=3D0Ashare my thoughts late into the night....=3D0A=3DA0=3D0AJ=
n the Mojave Desert of California U.S.A. being most=3D0Aself-indulgent.....=
AFrom: mel jacob=3D
son =3D0ATo: Clayart@LSV.CERAMICS.ORG=3D0ASent: Sunday, =
ber 16, 2011 7:23 AM=3D0ASubject: wheels, fast and powerful=3D0A=3D0Afast a=
nd pow=3D
erful is the key to=3D0Abuying a new wheel.=3D0A`this wheel can throw 300 p=
s of clay`.=3D0A=3D0Aand i say...`who cares?`=3D0A`how long will it last wi=
thout =3D
repair, and is=3D0Ait quiet?` will it make 35,000 five pound pots?`=3D0A=3D=
0Athe =3D
first year i went to dubai to teach, i made a=3D0A60 pound pot for a tv sho=
=3DA0 not really that hard=3D0Ato do.=3DA0 centered 6 ten pound balls.=3DA0=
made a =3D
bowl.=3D0A=3D0Athat was 1981 and i have not made a pot over=3D0Atwenty poun=
ds sin=3D
ce.=3D0Abut, i have made thousands of ten pound pots and=3D0Athey all sold.=
=3D0Aand as i say...`where do you fire 300 pound pots?`=3D0A=3D0Athere are =
about =3D
ten/twenty clay folks in the country that make=3D0Abig/huge pots and actual=
sell them.=3D0Athey have huge kilns.=3DA0 i don't want a huge kiln.=3D0Amy=
wood =3D
fired kiln at the farm will take big pots, but=3D0Ai let others arm wrestle=
hose huge monsters.=3D0A=3D0Abut, most electric wheels are made for those f=
ew p=3D
otters=3D0Athat make huge pots.=3DA0 the rest of the world pays the price=
those `bulldozer` wheels.=3DA0 a 90 pound person, working=3D0Ain their bas=
t does not need that wheel.=3D0A=3D0Amost home potters could live their ent=
ire =3D
life with a=3D0Abrent model c and make all the pots they ever want.=3D0A(wi=
th a=3D
lmost no repairs.)=3D0Ai have a 1964 brent model c at the farm that runs li=
=3D0Aa jewel.=3DA0 i sent the electronics and cords back to brent=3D0Aand t=
hey re=3D
/built both of my brents.=3DA0 perfect.=3D0A=3D0Ain fact i would guess that=
i cou=3D
ld have made all the pots=3D0Ain my life on a model b brent and would not h=
e been=3D0Ain any stress.=3DA0 well, warren mac has made all his pots on a=
ck wheel.=3DA0 and, he is 87 years old.=3DA0 and, he still makes=3D0Aa coup=
le tho=3D
usand pots a year...or more.=3D0A=3D0Aso, what i am saying is:=3DA0 the cul=
ture o=3D
f wheels in america is=3D0Apower and speed.=3DA0 they all do it.=3DA0 if br=
ent sl=3D
owed all their=3D0Awheels down to a sensible level the customers would go c=
zy.=3D0A`gd it, my wheel goes slow, is something wrong?`=3DA0 they would=3D=
0Anot =3D
have a clue.=3DA0 it is up to the potter/teacher to set the wheel at a=3D0A=
a se=3D
nsible, working level.=3D0A=3D0Ai don't blame joe roach at brent.=3DA0 he i=
s doin=3D
g what the world wants.=3D0Aa powerful, well made, fast as hell wheel.=3DA0=
a r=3D
ace car.=3D0Awhat most potters need is a vw bug.=3D0A=3D0Aif ford came out =
with a=3D
pickup truck with no front windshield, ten=3D0Aother truck companies would=
ake out their windows too.=3DA0 it is a=3D0Aculture of copy, copy.=3DA0 do =
what t=3D
he other guy is doing....=3D0A=3D0Aon a few occasions my family has wanted =
to b=3D
uy me a new wheel=3D0Aas a gift...`dad, what wheel would you like as a chri=
mas gift?`=3D0A`hmmm, i rather like the one i have had since 1972.=3DA0 but=
, th=3D
ank=3D0Ayou anyway.`=3D0A=3D0A(they forget i have two brents, a lockerbie, =
and a =3D
new axner, and=3D0Aa very old shimpo.=3DA0 none of which i care to change t=
=3DA0 they think=3D0Anew would be better and nicer.=3D0A=3D0Ait is the same=
old sto=3D
ry...i always find colleen baillie sitting on=3D0Amy wheel making pots.=3DA=
0 fu=3D
nny, she has her own wheel right=3D0Anext to mine...but as soon as i am gon=
or not around, her butt=3D0Ais on my old skutt dc-1.=3DA0 it runs really s=
with tons of torque.=3D0Athe batts wiggle on the pins as they are old as c=
be, but that=3D0Awheel just makes nice pots.=3D0Amel=3D0Athe best inventio=
n sinc=3D
e the plastic bag is batt pins.=3D0Aif someone took my batt pins
k 30.06.=3D0A(that would be 30 caliber, designed in 1906. )=3D0A=3D0A=3D0A=
=3D0Afrom: =3D
minnetonka, mn=3D0Awebsite: link:=
=3DA0 =3D

Sandy miller on sun 16 oct 11

Having an old old shimpo, a brent and learned on an old Randell kick wheel.
Gotta say it's all about the torque.
Makes a difference on a ten pound pot and a 50 pound pot. Torque =3D contr=

Would not trade that old shimpo for love or money.

Sandy Miller

On Sun, Oct 16, 2011 at 10:23 AM, mel jacobson wrote:

> fast and powerful is the key to
> buying a new wheel.
> `this wheel can throw 300 pounds of clay`.
> and i say...`who cares?`
> `how long will it last without repair, and is
> it quiet?` will it make 35,000 five pound pots?`
> the first year i went to dubai to teach, i made a
> 60 pound pot for a tv show. not really that hard
> to do. centered 6 ten pound balls. made a bowl.
> that was 1981 and i have not made a pot over
> twenty pounds since.
> but, i have made thousands of ten pound pots and
> they all sold.
> and as i say...`where do you fire 300 pound pots?`
> there are about ten/twenty clay folks in the country that make
> big/huge pots and actually sell them.
> they have huge kilns. i don't want a huge kiln.
> my wood fired kiln at the farm will take big pots, but
> i let others arm wrestle those huge monsters.
> but, most electric wheels are made for those few potters
> that make huge pots. the rest of the world pays the price
> for those `bulldozer` wheels. a 90 pound person, working
> in their basement does not need that wheel.
> most home potters could live their entire life with a
> brent model c and make all the pots they ever want.
> (with almost no repairs.)
> i have a 1964 brent model c at the farm that runs like
> a jewel. i sent the electronics and cords back to brent
> and they re/built both of my brents. perfect.
> in fact i would guess that i could have made all the pots
> in my life on a model b brent and would not have been
> in any stress. well, warren mac has made all his pots on a
> kick wheel. and, he is 87 years old. and, he still makes
> a couple thousand pots a year...or more.
> so, what i am saying is: the culture of wheels in america is
> power and speed. they all do it. if brent slowed all their
> wheels down to a sensible level the customers would go crazy.
> `gd it, my wheel goes slow, is something wrong?` they would
> not have a clue. it is up to the potter/teacher to set the wheel at a
> a sensible, working level.
> i don't blame joe roach at brent. he is doing what the world wants.
> a powerful, well made, fast as hell wheel. a race car.
> what most potters need is a vw bug.
> if ford came out with a pickup truck with no front windshield, ten
> other truck companies would take out their windows too. it is a
> culture of copy, copy. do what the other guy is doing....
> on a few occasions my family has wanted to buy me a new wheel
> as a gift...`dad, what wheel would you like as a christmas gift?`
> `hmmm, i rather like the one i have had since 1972. but, thank
> you anyway.`
> (they forget i have two brents, a lockerbie, and a new axner, and
> a very old shimpo. none of which i care to change to.) they think
> new would be better and nicer.
> it is the same old story...i always find colleen baillie sitting on
> my wheel making pots. funny, she has her own wheel right
> next to mine...but as soon as i am gone, or not around, her butt
> is on my old skutt dc-1. it runs really slow, with tons of torque.
> the batts wiggle on the pins as they are old as can be, but that
> wheel just makes nice pots.
> mel
> the best invention since the plastic bag is batt pins.
> if someone took my batt pins away....think 30.06.
> (that would be 30 caliber, designed in 1906. )
> from: minnetonka, mn
> website:
> clayart link:

Gayle Bair on sun 16 oct 11

I like having options!
After years of indecision I settled on a Brent B and a Shimpo VL Whisper an=
love them both. The Brent fits my body best but the Shimpo fits my need for
The ability of either to go warp speed is something I rarely use but am
glad it's there when I need it. Since I don't have room for a bench
grinder, on the rare occasion when I need to grind down a foot, I have a
system which allows me to use the wheel to do it. Its then I'm glad to have
the option of using that speed. Of course it doesn't have the RPMs of a
bench grinder but it works for me.
I'm pretty confident I will probably never make a 300 lb pot. I throw at a
speed which is not the slowest but most assuredly not the fastest either.
For me the salient point is to use what works and what is best and that it
is as personal as fingerprints and is different for each one of us. Plus
I've always enjoy finding alternate and creative uses for tools.


Gayle Bair
Bainbridge Island WA
Tucson AZ

Steve Slatin on sun 16 oct 11

There are different characteristics to wheels and to=3D0Atheir terminal vel=
ities.=3DA0 I'm sure Mel would=3D0Afind the velocity of my Pacifica wheel u=
sonably=3D0Afast, though I find it pokey, if comfortable.=3D0A=3DA0=3D0AAnd=
my 'new=3D
er' wheel, a Soldner from the era=3D0Awhen the transformer was on the under=
de of the=3D0Adeck and attached to a stick of wood with a metal=3D0Achain f=
or s=3D
peed control, has a top speed more=3D0Asuited for flinging things across th=
e =3D
studio than=3D0Ashaping them.=3DA0 The experience of using it makes=3D0Aone=
=3DA0of throwing on a steam locomotive.=3DA0 =3D0A=3DA0=3D0AThe pots I mak=
e with it =3D
are not really different from =3D0Athose made on the Pacifica, though. It i=
s =3D
quite possible=3D0Ato control the Soldner to extremely low speeds=3D0A(at w=
it has mammoth torque), even slower=3D0Athan those=3DA0possible with=3DA0t=
he Pac=3D
ifica.=3DA0 It's really nice=3D0Afor when you want to alter a rim on a sala=
d =3D
=3D0Abowl or something of the sort, as you can get=3D0Athe velocity just ri=
ght =3D
to crimp the rim =3D0Aconsistently without moving your hand position=3D0Aat=
.=3D0A=3DA0=3D0AWhy worry about the highest possible speed=3D0Abeing set "t=
oo fast?=3D
"=3DA0 If one doesn't use it, it's=3D0Airrelevant.=3DA0 I've also never flo=
ored m=3D
y=3D0Aconvertible on a long stretch of road,=3D0Abut it runs fine and I lik=
e it=3D
all the same.=3D0A=3DA0=3D0AIdle thoughts -- from a trained, professional=
r --=3D0A=3D0ASteve Slatin -- =3D0A=3D0A=3D0AN48.0886450=3D0AW123.1420482=
___________________________=3D0Afast and powerful is the key to=3D0Abuying =
a ne=3D
w wheel.=3D0A`this wheel can throw 300 pounds of clay`.=3D0A=3D0Aand i say.=
cares?`=3D0A`how long will it last without repair, and is=3D0Ait quiet?` w=
ill =3D
it make 35,000 five pound pots?`=3D0A=3D0Athe first year i went to dubai to=
ch, i made a=3D0A60 pound pot for a tv show.=3DA0 not really that hard=3D0A=
to do.=3D
=3DA0 centered 6 ten pound balls.=3DA0 made a bowl.