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workshop in taku 2012 announcement

updated tue 7 jun 11


Mike on mon 6 jun 11

Hello Everyone,

I am pleased to announce that the theme, dates, and presenters for the
second Workshop in Taku have been decided upon.

The workshop is scheduled for spring of 2012, May 12 - 18. The theme:
'The Simple Teabowl' will encompass the making and use of teabowls for
Japanese tea ceremony, the teabowl's role in the context (past and
present) of Chanoyu, and the potter's and tea practitioner's thoughts
regarding them. Focus will be on but not limited to tea bowls, and will
likely extend to other tea implements as well.

In addition to the presentations, time will be spent visiting potters
and tea rooms in the area, experiencing various teabowls and contexts
for tea.

Below is the homepage with all pertinent basic information on the workshop:


In addition, a blog at which news and other details of interest will be


There are still details that are being hammered out, and these will be
added to the homepage and blog as they are decided.

Please feel free to direct any questions to me via email,

Mike Martino


in Taku, Japan

Workshop in Taku 2012: The Simple Teabowl, May 12 - 18