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slab-built tableware workshop in mendocino

updated tue 24 may 11


Vince Pitelka on sun 22 may 11

Mendocino, California, on the rocky Pacific coast 150 miles north of San
Francisco, is one of the most beautiful places on Earth. The Mendocino Art
Center is a wonderful facility, but they have had some staff turnover durin=
the past year, and there have been issues in publicizing the workshops.
Derek Hambly, the current clay coordinator, is doing a great job, and seems
to have the same kind of positive energy as Darrin Ekern, the last clay

I am scheduled to teach my slab-built tableware workshop at Mendocino Art
Center from June 27 to July 1. Sign-ups have been slow in all of their
workshops, so please go to their website and check out the offerings - I'd love to see a bunch of
Clayarters in my slab-built tableware workshop. Please email me if you hav=
any questions.

- Vince

Vince Pitelka

Appalachian Center for Craft

Tennessee Tech University;

MEUNIER LEE on sun 22 may 11

If ever a workshop called to me it's THIS one!.
First.... I, and=3D

=3D0A=3D0A=3D0AIf ever a workshop called to me it's THIS one!.=3D0AFirst...=
. I, and=3D
most anybody who has even passed=3D0Athrough, adore the whole Mendocino en=
ronment.=3D0AIt seems to bring out the absolute best in artist/=3D0Acraftsp=
ns and their fans.=3DA0 When I've been there,=3D0Athey usually have had an =
Studio night with=3D0Aeasy access and a welcoming attitude throughout=3D0A=
the =3D
town.=3D0A=3D0ASecond....... Vince is a SUPERB presenter.=3DA0 He=3D0Aalway=
s is pre=3D
pared, is very professional, is fun,=3D0Athoughtful and gives of himself ti=
lessly during the whole=3D0Aexperience.=3DA0 (Mine was for a week at Michae=
ls O=3D
rganic=3D0AFarm=3DA0in=3D0ABellingham, Washington,=3DA0where Vince's charis=
ma was u=3D
nleashed along with his =3D0Aguitar and great voice, as well=3D0Aas=3DA0his=
deep =3D
desire to make the whole time=3D0Aa treasured one for each of us.=3DA0 #1 S=
rt Person=3D0Aaccompanied me ... though he was a scientist/=3D0Atechnogeek =
who =3D
was sure he would feel out of=3D0Aplace but would "endure for my benefit"..=
. had a=3D0Agreat time, learned a lot, helped with cooking and=3D0Acleanup =
and =3D
generally made himself at home, thanks=3D0Ato Vince's and Michael's encoura=
ment.=3DA0 #1 was=3D0Aso enthralled that he paid the whole fee for himself=
so so he wouldn't feel out of place visiting with all=3D0Athat was going on=
=3DA0 I think #1 was rather surprised,=3D0Amaybe shocked a bit, to find tha=
t so=3D
many of our=3D0Afinest potters are also "technogeeks."=3DA0 )=3D0A=3D0AThi=
this workshop has to do with slabbuilt=3D0Atableware which is exactly wher=
e =3D
I am once again,=3D0Athough this time I'm Super Serious and have belief=3D0=
AI c=3D
an Do This.=3DA0 Arthritis has prevented my working=3D0Awith the wheel as m=
uch =3D
as I need in order to maintain=3D0AAND to further develop those skills.=3DA=
0 Sl=3D
abs seem=3D0Aa natural for me but fact is that whole process has=3D0Abeen p=
y scary.=3DA0 Scary?=3DA0 Yes.=3DA0 Dumb, right?=3D0ABut truth is truth.=3D=
A0 IF I co=3D
uld have Vince's workshop at=3D0Athis point I know I'd be well on my way.=
=3DA0 =3D
But that=3D0Ais not likely to be.=3DA0 My Physical Therapy by an=3D0Aexcell=
ent PT=3D
... young to already have his doctorate...=3D0Abut great for working with =
limitations..... will be=3D0Acoming to an end around time of the workshop =
d=3D0AI can't afford to miss a single session.=3D0A=3D0ADO go if you can.=
=3DA0 I gu=3D
arantee you will NOT regret=3D0Ait.=3DA0 AND take a copy of Vince's outstan=
handbook=3D0Afor signing.=3DA0 It's a beautiful book.... "Clay: A Studio=
dbook."=3DA0 Over 350 pages....... every page carries=3D0Ainformation that =
serve you forever in your life as=3D0Aa potter.=3DA0 This is a reference b=
perfect for=3D0Alibraries, classrooms, and your own studio.=3DA0 You have=
=3D0Aa =3D
question?=3DA0 The answer will be there somewhere.=3D0AI've never been awed=
by =3D
a BOOK before, but this one=3D0Adid that job!=3DA0 NOW I know how to use it=
find in=3DA0it=3D0Aexactly what I needed.=3DA0 Get a copy, examine it... y=
=3D0Asee what I mean.=3D0A=3D0ADrat.=3DA0 Wish I were going but there'll be=
other t=3D
imes=3D0Awhen I'm better able to negotiate the terrains that I=3D0Alove....=
... =3D
like the whole area of Mendocino.=3D0A=3D0AJoyce=3D0AIn the Mojave Desert o=
f Cali=3D
fornia=3D0A=3D0A=3D0A=3D0A=3D0A=3D0AVince wrote:=3D0AMendocino, California,=
on the rocky =3D
Pacific coast 150 miles north of San=3D0AFrancisco, is one of the most beau=
ful places on Earth.=3DA0 The Mendocino Art=3D0ACenter is a wonderful facil=
but they have had some staff turnover during=3D0Athe past year, and there =
ve been issues in publicizing the workshops.=3D0A=3D0AI am scheduled to tea=
ch m=3D
y slab-built tableware workshop at Mendocino Art=3D0ACenter from June 27 to=
uly 1.=3DA0 Sign-ups have been slow in all of their=3D0Aworkshops, so pleas=
e go=3D
to their website and check out the offerings -=3D0Awww.mendocinoartcenter.=
g/Summer.html.=3DA0 I'd love to see a bunch of=3D0AClayarters in my slab-bu=
ilt =3D
tableware workshop.=3DA0 Please email me if you have=3D0Aany questions.=3D0=
- =3D
Vince=3D0A=3D0A=3D0A=3D0AVince Pitelka=3D0A=3D0AAppalachian Center for Craf=
ssee Tech;

Bonnie Hellman on mon 23 may 11

Vince presented this very workshop at my studio 2 years ago, and it is
DEFINITELY worth attending, even if you think you know everything about
working with slabs to make tableware. There were 8 participants plus me, an=
people with a variety of experience attended. EVERYONE was VERY pleased wit=
what they made and what they learned.

I highly recommend that if you have any interest and the ability to attend.


Bonnie Hellman
Ouray, CO. USA

-----Original Message-----
From: Clayart [mailto:Clayart@LSV.CERAMICS.ORG] On Behalf Of Vince Pitelka
Sent: Sunday, May 22, 2011 5:49 PM
Subject: Slab-Built Tableware Workshop in Mendocino

Mendocino, California, on the rocky Pacific coast 150 miles north of San
Francisco, is one of the most beautiful places on Earth. The Mendocino Art
Center is a wonderful facility, but they have had some staff turnover durin=
the past year, and there have been issues in publicizing the workshops.
Derek Hambly, the current clay coordinator, is doing a great job, and seems
to have the same kind of positive energy as Darrin Ekern, the last clay

I am scheduled to teach my slab-built tableware workshop at Mendocino Art
Center from June 27 to July 1. Sign-ups have been slow in all of their
workshops, so please go to their website and check out the offerings - I'd love to see a bunch of
Clayarters in my slab-built tableware workshop. Please email me if you hav=
any questions.

- Vince

Vince Pitelka

Appalachian Center for Craft

Tennessee Tech University;