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17th annual legacy oral history workshop

updated sun 6 mar 11


Nicole Lopez-Hagan on thu 3 mar 11

17th Annual Legacy Oral History Workshop: Museum of Performance & Design, S=
an =3D0AFrancisco - August 4-6, 2011=3D0A =3D0ALearn how to plan, organize,=
and c=3D
onduct fascinating interviews, use current =3D0Atechnologies to produce dig=
al media projects, refine your editing skills, and =3D0Aprepare oral histor=
y =3D
print texts for printing or publication. =3D0A =3D0AThe workshop is design=
ed t=3D
o meet the needs of beginning, intermediate, and =3D0Aadvanced students. Fo=
er workshop participants have included university =3D0Afaculty, master=3DE2=
=3D99s and doctoral candidates, personal historians, historical =3D0Asociet=
library and museum staff, government and corporate employees, and =3D0Aboa=
and staff of nonprofits. =3D0A=3D0A =3D0AThe three-day intensive is led by=
oral =3D
historians Jeff Friedman PhD and =3D0ABasya Petnick.=3D0A =3D0APlease see o=
ur web=3D
site for more complete information: =3D0A
egacy.html=3D0A =3D0AIf you have questions or wish to request a registratio=
n fo=3D
rm, please email or call 415-255-4800, ext. *823=
. =3D