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kathy and computers

updated fri 3 dec 10


mel jacobson on tue 30 nov 10

i tell people that my computer and all it's many
peripherals are like a `john deere` tractor.
it is a set of tools. just like a chain saw.
it has work to do, and i have learned to do it.

if a computer is a game machine only...with no
sense of time or space...or if it is a game killing machine in
a child's mind..or it is a source of music, then we are in trouble.

i have run into young folks that ask me about my
latest book.
who took the pix...? ` i did, all digital. and the other authors
did the same.`
how about the video?..`.i did, most of it. and the other authors
filled in the gaps.`
how about the text?...`i did, on my computer. got it ready
for an editor that completed it all on her big mac...her fabulous tool
for editing. it took three years. we print books on demand...make
videos on demand. i had to learn a great deal.`

and it is always the same...`how did you know what to
do with all the modern electronics ,you're old ?`
i say:
`your cell phone is a toy, your computer games are toys,
your blackberry is a toy...your i pad is a toy, you have almost nothing
to communicate
but blather. everything is amusement.` a-muse, or anti thoughtfulness.

`nothing i have electronic makes toyland. all my electronics are
tools. i learn to use tools. they are vital to my existence.`

`i belong in the society that i live in. we all have to learn what
that society has to offer us that is new and vital. if we turn our
backs on modern science and technology we regress into the past.
same for kilns, same for glaze and chemistry. same for design,
same for everything.

from: minnetonka, mn
clayart link:
new book:

Kathy Forer on tue 30 nov 10

A simple quote resonated with me today: "My hand is the extension of the =
thinking process - the creative process." -- Tadao Ando

We have such privilege to use our hands and our bodies, not be trapped =3D
in chairs, chained to computers. But those who are trapped from physical =
impairment have opportunities now as never before for transcending the =3D
limitations of their bodies.=3D20

A toy is often a very cleverly designed tool. It's available for content =
creation as well as consumer use. The same people curious about their =3D
physical world will explore cyberspace while the incurious will devour =3D
entertainment and have other people do their work for them.=3D20

a-musement can turn into bemusement which can lead to curiosity which =3D
leads to creativity! Technology has myriad applications, work and play.=3D2=

=3D46rom a quick search, :
Why is ____ impossible?
What would it take to make it possible?
What else might work?
Why does ____ not work?
Who might be able to make it happen?

Who? What? Why? Why Not? When? Where? How? How might?

Practice, practice practice. Play play play. Both can lead to discovery =3D
and dedication.=3D20

I think these toys are actually increasing literacy. Perhaps not =3D
long-form, even anything over three minutes, but language is =3D
indispensable to their use. Using language, even the most basic ideas, =3D
whazzup, requires some degree of thought transferred to a tool or device =
and sent out as your word. Even push button-easy can have complexity. =3D
People who hadn't written since high school get on a computer and after =3D
a couple of years, writing and reading comprehension are improved. =3D
Critical thought develops as well. The Internet is a teeming repository =3D
and jungle.=3D20

Kathy Forer

On Nov 30, 2010, at 5:03 PM, mel jacobson wrote:

> and it is always the same...`how did you know what to
> do with all the modern electronics ,you're old ?`
> i say:
> `your cell phone is a toy, your computer games are toys,
> your blackberry is a toy...your i pad is a toy, you have almost =3D
> to communicate
> but blather. everything is amusement.` a-muse, or anti =3D
> `nothing i have electronic makes toyland. all my electronics are
> tools. i learn to use tools. they are vital to my existence.`
> `i belong in the society that i live in. we all have to learn what
> that society has to offer us that is new and vital. if we turn our
> backs on modern science and technology we regress into the past.
> same for kilns, same for glaze and chemistry. same for design,
> same for everything.
> mel

Logan Johnson on wed 1 dec 10

Hey There Gang,

Before I say anything else I want to say how much respect & admiration I ha=
ve for anyone who can do more with /to a computer than write letters, use e=
mail or do internet searches. (these are the total of my computer skills) a=
nd I agree with what was said about having better hand eye coordination & h=
ow useful it is for driving (among other things.)
However, I can't forget=3DA0 the fiance of a friend of mine.=3DA0=3DA0 This=
guy (=3D
appx. 27-ish)
could do anything with computers from using them to building & upgrading th=
em was absolutely useless if the car he was driving or riding in got a flat=
. He had no clue of what to do or how to do it other than calling a tow tru=
ck. =3DA0 I know this because we all traveled from Wa. state to Florida & h=
multiple flats.=3D20

=3DA0=3DA0 Now I have to admit when it comes to computers I have to have on=
e th=3D
"voice controlled" .=3DA0 If something goes wrong with my computer I yell a=
t =3D
it & my hubby fixes it.=3DA0=3DA0 I don't have to do a thing . ;oD =3DA0=3D=
A0 Compu=3D
ters are a wonderful tool as someone else said, but they can't fix a flat &=
get you back on the road when there's no reception for your hand held comp=
uter (aka cell phone) .=3DA0 Until our entire world is so computer operated=
hat we no longer need to know how to do anything for ourselves.=3DA0 I don'=
t =3D
see how we can live without knowing how to do basic things with our hands .=
=3DA0=3DA0=3DA0 Personally I wouldn't mind if computer operated cars become=
able very soon since I don't drive but I don't think I'll hold my breath.
Stay warm everyone !

Logan Johnson=3D20
Yakima Valley Pottery & Supply=3D20
719 w. Nob Hill blvd.=3D20
Yakima Wa. 98902=3D20
(509) 469-6966=3D20

--- On Wed, 12/1/10, Arnold Howard wrote:

From: Arnold Howard
Subject: Re: kathy and computers
Date: Wednesday, December 1, 2010, 7:15 AM

From: "Kathy Forer"
A toy is often a very cleverly designed tool. It's available
for content creation as well as consumer use.
I've noticed that the 20-somethings of today who grew up
playing video games have stunning hand-eye coordination. By
the time my son, Patrick, was eight years old, he could beat
my wife and me at video games--every time.

The plus side to video game skill is that it can be
transferred to physical activity, such as driving a car,
flying a jet airplane, and I'm sure many others.


Arnold Howard
Paragon Industries, L.P., Mesquite, Texas USA /

Arnold Howard on wed 1 dec 10

From: "Kathy Forer"
A toy is often a very cleverly designed tool. It's available
for content creation as well as consumer use.
I've noticed that the 20-somethings of today who grew up
playing video games have stunning hand-eye coordination. By
the time my son, Patrick, was eight years old, he could beat
my wife and me at video games--every time.

The plus side to video game skill is that it can be
transferred to physical activity, such as driving a car,
flying a jet airplane, and I'm sure many others.


Arnold Howard
Paragon Industries, L.P., Mesquite, Texas USA /