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your bisque dilemma

updated sun 22 aug 10


Paul Herman on fri 20 aug 10


Have you considered firing up the wood burner for a bisque? It sounds
a lot easier than hauling greenware all over the place...

Paul Herman

Great Basin Pottery
Doyle, California US

Lee Love on sat 21 aug 10

Small woodkilns are incredibly easy to make. I made one out of
broken bricks I found in our compound. I used it to bisque my
apprentice work for the noborigama. It could hit red heat in less
than an hour. I would make a fire outside the mousehole to warm
things up first. It had a one self stacking area. See photos here:
=3DA0Lee, a Mashiko potter in Minneapolis

=3D93Observe the wonders as they occur around you. Don't claim them. Feel
the artistry moving through and be silent.=3D94 --Rumi