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cone 6 reduction (3)

updated mon 28 jun 10


dianamp@COMCAST.NET on sat 26 jun 10

Here is another link to my research on Cone 6 R glazes
(originally titled Glaze Forward):

My website has the formulae and photos:

I spent a summer (on a grant from the university) testing
hundreds of formulae at Cone 6 in both Reduction and Oxidation.
Those that were outstanding in reduction were rarely good in oxidation.

I chose the best 22 glazes from all the testing, and tweaked them when nece=
We have been firing these glazes for years now.

If you fire too hot and too fast, or too reducing, some will loose their co=
lor and character.
I believe that there is an optimum way to fire and am not a fan of hurry up=
and get it done.

Diana Pancioli

Eric Hansen on sun 27 jun 10

the link is:


On Sat, Jun 26, 2010 at 10:55 AM, wrote:

> Here is another link to my research on Cone 6 R glazes
> (originally titled Glaze Forward):
> My website has the formulae and photos: