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i also need slabroller plans--jernye

updated mon 29 dec 97


JD and JS on thu 25 dec 97

Hi, I'm new to the listserv and today is the 1st day I have recieved e-mail
from the list. I read your post and I too am in need of plans for a slab
roller. If anyone sends any to you plans or where you can find plans, will
you please e-mail me the info. I have been handbuilding mostly and throwing
some for the past 10 yrs. 6 of those yrs I was at a university and had access
to a slab roller. It sure is a lot more difficult without one. Thanks in
advance for the info. Happy Holidays, Jernye [journey] Mailto:

David Buck on sun 28 dec 97

JD and JS wrote:
> ----------------------------Original message----------------------------
> Hi, I'm new to the listserv and today is the 1st day I have recieved e-mail
> from the list. I read your post and I too am in need of plans for a slab
> roller. If anyone sends any to you plans or where you can find plans, will
> you please e-mail me the info. I have been handbuilding mostly and throwing
> s Happy Holidays, Jernye [journey] Mailto:

Hi: The book 'Getting Into Pots' has a good, cheep plan for a slab
roller. It was published in 1976 by Prentice-Hall, Inc. and was written
by George and Nancy Wettlaufer.
I have yet to build it but plan to in the future.

David B. Buck