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mel's painting workshop in south carolina

updated thu 25 dec 97


Lori Leary on wed 24 dec 97

What can I say?

It was great, as I knew it would be. Be it in pottery or painting, mel
is an inspired teacher. Not only does he impart technical and artistic
knowledge brilliantly, our mel has a knack for INSPIRING students, and
for teaching them that it is not just *other* people that make pots or
that *other* people paint.

And he makes wonderful paintings, three have already found homes for the

And if you can get mel to cook a curry for you, you are fortunate

AND he makes a mean martini.

All this, and he makes great pots, too....


Thanks mel.......see you in March.

Lori L.
Pawleys Island, SC
P.S. Happy holidays to all my Clayart friends.