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my coil building method

updated mon 8 mar 10


Vince Pitelka on sat 6 mar 10

Beth Donovan wrote:
"How about one of us try it and make a video of our efforts, and then you
can tell us if we are right or not-so right!"

That's a great idea, Beth. Anyone willing to take up the challenge? This
would be a good way for anyone who tries this to learn a lot about coil
building, and I will be happy to review any videos posted on YouTube.
- Vince

Vince Pitelka
Appalachian Center for Craft
Tennessee Tech University;

Vince Pitelka on sat 6 mar 10

At least twelve people have posted on or off list suggesting that I make a
video of the coil-building method I described, and at some point I would
like to do that, but right now I have way too many things going on. If you
do the method exactly as I described it, you will get it. Please email any
questions about the process.
- Vince

Vince Pitelka
Appalachian Center for Craft
Tennessee Tech University;

Mimi Patrick on sat 6 mar 10

"At least twelve people have posted on or off list suggesting that I make a
video of the coil-building method I described, and at some point I would
like to do that, but right now I have way too many things going on. If you
do the method exactly as I described it, you will get it. Please email any
questions about the process.
- Vince"

Better yet - take one of Vince's workshops.

Mimi Patrick

Beth Donovan on sat 6 mar 10


How about one of us try it and make a video of our efforts, and then you ca=
tell us if we are right or not-so right!


Beth Donovan
Castle Argghhh! Farm

Easton, Kansas

-----Original Message-----
From: Clayart [mailto:Clayart@LSV.CERAMICS.ORG] On Behalf Of Vince Pitelka
Sent: Saturday, March 06, 2010 1:44 PM
Subject: My coil building method

At least twelve people have posted on or off list suggesting that I make a
video of the coil-building method I described, and at some point I would
like to do that, but right now I have way too many things going on. If you
do the method exactly as I described it, you will get it. Please email any
questions about the process.
- Vince

Vince Pitelka
Appalachian Center for Craft
Tennessee Tech University;