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pete pinnell workshop

updated sun 21 jan 01


LRANCHO on mon 1 dec 97


PETE PINNELL WORKSHOP-Friday and Saturday, January 9th & 10th
at the University of Florida, in FAC B-16. more information posted soon.
will be a pot luck lunch with an evening lecture in Little Hall, rm 101,
at 6:30 pm.
ALSO......The Florida Potters Guild Winter SALE is Dec. 2-4, 9 am to 5
if you are in the area please come support the Guild and the students
who make it all
possible. For answers to your questions feel free to contact me.

Cat Audette on sat 20 jan 01

Hello all.

I just finished Pete Pinnell's workshop and I must say that my head is
exploding with ideas and information. It was overall the best workshop Ive
ever taken.

Pete is very aproachable, free with his ideas and very patient.
The workshop went from 10am - 4pm but he was there from 9am to after 5pm
each day. A large amount of the time was spent in demos. He expressed
concearn that he wasn't giving us enough time to make pots but no one cared.

The slide lectures (3 of them) were wonderful and included a lot of
information about his trips to China.

I have 13 pages of notes and 4 rolls of film. Wow.

If anyone wants more specific information let me know.

Cat Audette
"Clay IS the way"