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glaze test for randy's 3 in 1 glaze ^6 ox. tim's version plus 10% redart

updated wed 17 sep 08


Alisa Clausen on tue 16 sep 08

Recipe Name: Randy's 3 in one Tims version + 10 Redart

Cone: 6 Color:
Firing: Oxidation Surface: Glossy

Amount Ingredient
47.1 Feldspar--Custer
15.5 Spodumene--Foote
19.9 Dolomite
9.8 Silica
7.3 Bone Ash
5.1 Gerstley Borate--1999
1.4 Kaolin--EPK

106 Total

Unity Oxide
.072 Li2O
.066 Na2O
.127 K2O
.251 MgO
.484 CaO
1.000 Total

.305 Al2O3
.045 B2O3
.008 Fe2O3

2.158 SiO2
0 TiO2
.053 P2O5

7.1 Ratio
7.3 Exp

Comments: Add 10 Redart

A gloss glaze with a silk sheen. Color is warmer and has more beige cast
than the glaze without the the added Redart. The glaze is evenly covering
and shows no effects of overlapping or breaking.