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burnished and scraped

updated wed 3 sep 08


Kathy Forer on tue 2 sep 08

As I've learned to fire a kiln I've gotten pickier about my surfaces.
At one time I'd just use a cold finish, maybe wax, and move on, or
maybe just leave it, but now I'm wondering what can be done to remedy
a fault without going too far.

I suppose it was late or I was overly influenced by a visiting friend,
but rather than leave the small area of some kind of droppings,
probably from a spider, that created speckles on a thoroughly dried
piece (of sculpture) before I realized I should keep it covered...
Rather than just leave it to burn out I forgot the piece was fairly
well burnished and I scraped off the tiny droppings. I can blame it on
my hyper-finicky friend but it was my choice, a stupid one. I'm now
left with a small dull patch in the middle of a rather smooth piece.

I know there's no way to get the now sintered clay smooth again but
I'm wondering how I could treat the surface other than waxing it.

I'm quite partial to a bare bisque look when it works. Would a matte
glaze of some kind serve to even out the surface? I don't want to add
anything that would feel like a skin on the surface but like the way
something sinks in part of the piece.

Kathy Forer