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theme show/phoenix hey vince....

updated mon 31 mar 08


Logan Johnson on sat 29 mar 08

I was going to vote until I noticed you didn't include in your list the Hell's Angel's / Banditios shoot out in Laughlin . Harumph ! (he he he !!!)

Seriously , How the heck are we supposed to choose when ALL the choices are so good ? I could look at that list & STILL not have my mind made up by next years NCECA! If you're gonna be mean enough to come up with a list of nothing but great options we can choose from then I'm going to vote that YOU pick one .
If you were nice you would give us a list of horrible suggestions except for one good choice to make it easy on us ! Oh well, I've already cast my vote for you to pick one & I'll stick with that. See, I can be mean too !!!!!!
I be much obliged if you'd pull a choice out of that black ten gallon hat pardner !
Logan (hop-a-long)Johnson

Logan Johnson
Yakima Valley Pottery & Supply
719 w. Nob Hill blvd.
Yakima Wa. 98902
(509) 469-6966

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